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Thursday 5 October 2017

Ibrahim Nasir, Maldives

Ibrahim Nasir (1926-2008)

President Ibrahim Nasir was the great leader of the second republic in Maldives. He is the second leader of the nation. He was an originator, who served the nation in getting improvement different fields. He spearheaded and dealt with various framework improvement extends in the nation too. He is the hero of national heroes of Maldives.
Sumuvvul Ameer Ibrahim Nasir Rannabandeyri Kilegefaanu was conceived on September 2, 1926 at Fuvahmulah. He was the child of Ahmed Didi, who was the child of Thuththu Dhon Didi, who was child of Ibrahim Dhoshimeynaa Kilegefaanu. His mom was Aisha Didi, girl of Moosa Didi of Fuvahmulah Dhasimagu Palace. Nasir however was raised by his uncle, Ibrahim Didi of Velaanage.

Nasir wedded thrice and had five youngsters from these relational unions. They are Ahmed Nasir, from his marriage to Aishath Zubair (Thuththu Goma), Ali Nasir and Mohamed Nasir from his marriage to Mariyam Saeed and Aishath Nasir and Ismail Nasir from his marriage to Naseema Mohamed. Ahmed Nasir, Ismail Nasir and Aishath Nasir are the surviving kin.

Ibrahim Nasir was a basic man. He was known to be honest, faithful and kind. Individuals who knew him say that selling out and lying are qualities that can't be credited to Nasir.

He picked up training from Madhrasathul Saniyya and after that at Sri Lanka. He came back to Maldives and was utilized in the legislature.

Nasir was delegated Prime Minister on December 11, 1957 when officeholder Sumuvvul Ameer Ibrahim Faamudheyri Kilegefaanu surrendered from the position. Subsequent to taking his pledge of office December 10, 1957, he remained the Prime Minister of Maldives for the following ten years.

Amid his residency as Prime Minister, a bill was proposed to parliament to proclaim the arrangement of government in the nation which was trailed by a historic point submission hung on November 15, 1967. as a result, the second republic was built up in Maldives and Ibrahim Nasir took promise as the President of Maldives on November 11, 1968.

The ten years Nasir spent in office denoted the pivotal for the advancement that the nation sees today. Awesome changes were conveyed to the nation as far as framework, financial improvement and social advancement.

He bore the considerable obligation of persuading the British to leave the nation. The autonomy assertion was marked by the two nations on July 26, 1965. At the time Nasir was the Prime Minister of Maldives.

It was amid the Nasir organization that the highly contrasting band was expelled from the national banner, and another banner was presented. He presented English medium instruction in schools.

With a specific end goal to bring financial advancement, he expelled the Vora merchants that were hoarding the nation's exchange and guaranteed that Maldivians got the meriting market cost for offering fish and coir rope in global exchange. He likewise cleared approach to import solidified and canned fish from the nation and set up a transportation line in Maldives. It was Nasir who built up the primary global air terminal in Hulhule' too.

Nasir, was not a man for words. Be that as it may, he indicated understanding and reasonability in his activities. He was the purpose for radios and TV being acquainted with the nation and in addition the originator of the national carrier.

Ibrahim Nasir surrendered from office at midnight on November 10, 1978. He at that point moved to Singapore for quite a long time before he asked for approval from the legislature to return. Nasir passed away on November 22, 2008, thirty years after he cleared out the nation, his demand to come back to Maldives, still unapproved.


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